Members List

Under the Members Tab,  managers will be able to see all the members under an organization with their corresponding member status, accessory ID, latest temperature, area, or location as well as the date and time of the last data sync.

Filter and Search Members

Managers may filter and search members by Name, Accessory ID, Temperature, Accessory Status, Pairing Status, Area, and Member Status. 

Member Status

Adding Members to your Dashboard

Add New Members - Invite Members

In this feature, the Manager can invite single or multiple members to join the organization. Inviting members supports multiple email input or bulk email input from excel. 

By clicking the keys “enter, comma, space” after the email, an email will be changed to pillbox and the manager can add another email address. Members invited will be listed on member list as pending member confirmation

Add New Members - Add a Member

To manually add a member, just click on the “Add a member” and fill out the required information needed. Click save to complete the process 

In this feature, Manager can add a member manually without creating a PouchPASS account. Adding a members manually will tag a member as “Profile Only”